Wild Goose every Friday with rotating duo 6:00-7:30.
(Jeff Addicott, Don Harriss, Michael Vannice, Dal Carver, Joe Cohoon, Paul Turnipseed…)
Lark’s in Medford:
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. 4:45-6:30.
Wild Goose every Friday with rotating duo 6:00-7:30.
(Jeff Addicott, Don Harriss, Michael Vannice, Dal Carver, Joe Cohoon, Paul Turnipseed…)
Lark’s in Medford:
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. 4:45-6:30.
Are you going to playing at Belle Fiore Winery on Sundays in the near future?
A good friend of mine took your OLLI class last semester and wants me to hear you play. I am an ametuer/student of jazz keyboards B3 (prior) now piano.
Ed Hansen
Hi Ed,
No, I am not currently playing at Belle Fiore.
I’m currently at the Wild Goose bar Fridays 6:00-7:45 with Jeff Addicott on bass, or someone else on organ or guitar (Don Harriss, Michael Vannice, Dal Carver, Paul Turnipseed, Joe Cohoon…). The Goose is like a funky blues bar, but it’s Ashland’s funky blues bar. I love it there.
I’m also at Lark’s in Medford 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, 4:30-6:30. I have a couple of other regular gigs brewing. Thanks for making me look at my ‘Gigs’ page that needs changing. I teach jazz piano every day if you’re ever interested.